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Green Grids Initiative

La Green Grids Initiative (GGI) a été lancée par les dirigeants mondiaux lors de la COP26 à Glasgow. L'initiative, en partenariat avec la Green Grids Initiative – One Sun One World One Grid, forme la plus grande coalition politique mondiale jamais lancée en faveur des énergies renouvelables. 90 pays à travers le monde ont déjà rejoint l'Initiative. En plus des gouvernements, le GGI rassemble des législateurs, des chefs d'entreprise, des organisations internationales, des instituts de recherche et la société civile afin d'accélérer la construction des nouvelles infrastructures nécessaires à un monde alimenté par les énergies propres. Cette infrastructure intègre une capacité de production d'énergie renouvelable massive dans des endroits riches en énergie, connectés par des réseaux continentaux. Elle s'intègre en des réseaux intelligents connectant des millions de panneaux solaires, des points de recharge pour les véhicules électriques, des mini-réseaux communautaires qui assurent la résilience des réseaux lors de conditions climatiques extrêmes.


BloombergNEF estimates that $21.4 trillion needs to be invested in electricity grids by 2050 to support a net-zero trajectory for the world. At least as much will be needed to build the large-scale solar and wind installations that, combined with small-scale solar, can power those grids with renewable energy. Most of the investment will have to come from the private sector. But private investors will only deliver low-cost capital to build green grids if governments create a secure legislative and regulatory framework for investment. To ensure a safe future for humanity, this must be done without delay in all parts of the world. The recent increase in interest rates for green investments in developing countries only makes this work more urgent. If so, private and public investors need to be in constant dialogue with lawmakers and regulators about what steps are needed to attract green grids investment on a massive scale. The Climate Parliament is convening this dialogue.


What investors are saying

CEO & Investor Council

Launched on the sidelines of the Luxor Forum, the Climate Parliament CEO & Investor Council was established to explore the creation of consortia of developers, manufacturers and investors to propose and build massive solar power stations and wind farms, and long-distance transmission.

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Green Grids Accelerators

Organised by the Climate Parliament, the Harvard Negotiation Project and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, the Green Grids Accelerators will bring key stakeholders together to move clean energy superhighways from talk to action

Green Energy Turbines



Green Grids Initiative


Our work is made possible by the generous contributions from individuals, foundations and donor agencies.


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